
Being a full time mother and student is definately not easy. It can be done, but you will need the support and help from your friends and family.  As a student I know that course schedules do not always work around our children.  For the times when you will not be able to take care of your kids because of course schedule you will need a good support system to help you out. Not to mention the times when your kids get sick and everything falls apart.

Some tips on how to incorporate studies and mothering

1. You have probably heard this before(I know I have) but I will say it anyways. Take care of yourself. If you don't take care of yourself you will not be able to take care of anyone else. Running yourself out and trying to take on too much will only lead you to become sick. If you fall apart everything else will fall apart(Trust me)

2. Only take on what you are able to handle. A lot of the time as mothers we are so used to multitasking that we think we can just continue to take on more and more. Burnout is never a good thing when you have children to take care of.  If you are only able to handle 2 or 3 courses comfortably then that is all you should be doing. It may extend your studies but you and your children will be happier when you are not so stressed. Also if you only have a few courses to concentrate on you will likely do better in those classes then you would if you had a full course load.

3. Try to spend as much time with your children as possible and then use your alone time for school work. When you pick up your kids after a  day at school try to spent the remainder of the day with them. Take them out to the park, read them books, play with them. Give them your attention so they feel like there mom is still there for them. When the day is done and the kids are in bed, then you will have time to sit undistracted and do the work that needs to get done for school.

4.  Try to get help. If people are willing to help you out accept their help. As moms we often try to manage everything on our own but sometimes we just need a little extra time to study, or time to ourselves.  We also have "bad days" where we just need a break. A good social network made of friends and family can be a big help when you really need it.

5.  Find groups or connect with other mothers who are in a similar situation.  They can give you great advice, encourage you when you need it. Looking for support groups or play groups that are for student moms will give you the opportunity to get out of the house with your kids. Your children will be engaged with the other children and you will be able to talk with other mothers who are in the same situation as you.